Because of their professional training and their long experience, the performers of the action theatre TOTAL VITAL are true masters of entertainment. With their novel ideas they enthuse their audience in different languages and styles. Depending on the requirements and the theme, they deliver a brilliant performance that is powerful, fast paced, sensational, comical or charming and effective.
The performers willingly face their challenge, and become the innovative partner for your event, trade-fair or congress.
Here is a little selection of their different characters.
All the shows have been booked by and performed for well-known companies, and they are to some extent unique in their form and presentation.

Duo Classic
They offers all facets of classical entertainment at the tables. This is great vaudeville in a small space; professional with comedy, juggling, magic, gags and tricks.

Comical security service
Our security guards demand the very highest of security levels. Trust is good, control is better! Lo and behold, with a thorough search, they find the most unusual things inside the guests' pockets.
Serious offences are 'punished' immediately and are registered with a "mug shot", thus loosening the guests up and putting them in the right mood for a fun evening.

Paramedics – Team
Our paramedics always having the right recipe for a good mood in their suitcase, promptly noticing any slight changes of disposition, or other serious 'illnesses'.
From love-sickness to smoking-addiction and the tightness of money: acute cases are treated on the spot.

The waiters are searching for "the one in charge" at each table. They offer the guests a palette of special service and entertainment. The audience can draw lots and win something if they are able to open the lotbox.
Otherwise there are special consolation prizes which have the power to cheer people up.

Black marketeer
Inside their coats they have last-minute offers of the most splendid sort.
This offer is Insaaaaane!
They will make you an offer you can't refuse.

Searching for his mother, a rather mature "child" goes from table to table in order to compare his photograph to the guests in question.
The guests' curiosity to see the hidden photograph is as big as the laughter thereafter.

With his "living stew" the chef offers a successful livening up at the long buffet. Again, a play on the guests' curiosity.
The advantage is the specific and quick entertainment.

The tv-crew can operate both among the audience and on stage. Be it in an advertising spot or in a classical movie the guests become stars and main actors.
Here the comedians display the high art of situation comedy and tactfulness -last but not least to the great joy of the audience.

Captain - Sailor
(Especially suitable on board a ship). Here the comedians demand everything from the guests. In doing various tests and exercises with the captain you can earn your "sailing diploma", leading to incredible "waves of laughter".
The interaction between captain, sailor and your sense of humour makes the atmosphere "unsinkable".

Always on the lookout for a new headline, our 'Photographers' shoot absolutely everything in all situations. Of course, they have to "arrange" some photographs in order to get the wanted success.
As a surprise the guests receive a snapshot in the shape of a caricature at the end of the show.

The policeman: your friend and helper. With the help of funny examples the friendly policeman shows you the little deficiencies in your security system and teaches you the basic rules of self-defence.
Let's do this by the book!

Funny/peculiar guests
They smoothly weave into the audience in order to attract their attention as inconspicuously as possible. One or the other guests might begin to catch on that something is afoot and might find this kind of behaviour familiar.
Similarities to persons known to you is highly unlikely. Or not?

Always charming the butlers pay attention to etiquette and receive your guests in a very special and amusing way.

Puppeteer with a marionette
Even grownups get wide eyes when the puppeteer brings new life to the marionette. Experience for yourself how this little, lively, sweet fellow takes your heart by storm with his charm and sense of humour.

Funny Guys
The Funny Guys can see at once who of the guests is bored, wants to have a little bit of conversation, wants to be included into what is going on or simply searches for entertainment.
With their great and sensible expertise and their miscellaneous skills they loosen up the atmosphere and leave your guests happy and content.

The professors explain the guests the Theory of Being by means of quaint and comical examples and annul all laws of physics.
Moreover they convey a totally different point of view for the issues of daily life - fun guaranteed!